(757) 374-8024 lisahalloran09@gmail.com

Personalized Coaching Packages to Help You Feel Your Best

8-Week Program

8-Week Hormone Reset Program


One-on-One with Lisa

1:1 Virtual Sessions With Flexible Scheduling
Sessions to include educational information + personalized recommendations based off of current symptoms + health concerns

One Topic Per Session
Topics to be decided during initial consultation between client + HC (i.e. gut health, blood sugar balancing, menstrual health, cycle syncing, etc.)


One-on-One with Lisa

1:1 Virtual Sessions With Flexible Scheduling
Sessions to include educational information + personalized recommendations based off of current symptoms + health concerns

One Topic Per Session
Topics to be decided during initial consultation between client + HC (i.e. gut health, blood sugar balancing, menstrual health, cycle syncing, etc.)

Personalized Coaching for Empowerment and Accountability

As a coach, my role is to guide and empower individuals to take an active role in their health and well-being. I understand that each person is unique, with their own goals, challenges, and aspirations. Through personalized coaching, I provide the support, education, and accountability needed to navigate the complexities of implementing lifestyle changes and sustaining long-term health improvements.

Comprehensive Health Assessment

At the beginning of our coaching journey, we conduct a comprehensive health assessment to gain a thorough understanding of your health history, current challenges, and goals. This assessment may include reviewing your functional medicine lab test results, analyzing your lifestyle factors, exploring your stress levels, assessing your dietary habits, and discussing any other relevant aspects of your health.

Goal Setting and Action Planning

Once we have a clear picture of your health priorities, we work together to set realistic and achievable goals. These goals may range from improving energy levels, managing stress, optimizing digestion, achieving hormonal balance, or addressing specific health conditions. Together, we develop a step-by-step action plan that outlines specific strategies and interventions to help you reach your goals.

Education and Empowerment

Once we have a clear picture of your health As a coach, I believe in the power of education. I provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to understand the underlying factors contributing to your health concerns. By empowering you with this information, you gain a deeper understanding of your body and the impact of various lifestyle choices on your health. This knowledge equips you to make informed decisions and take proactive steps towards improved well-being.

Support and Accountability

Throughout the coaching process, I provide ongoing support and guidance. I am available to answer questions, address concerns, and provide motivation when needed. Regular check-ins and follow-up sessions help us track progress, evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, and make any necessary adjustments to your personalized treatment plan. The coaching relationship creates a sense of accountability, ensuring that you stay focused and committed to your health goals.

Lifestyle Modification and Habit Change

As a coach, I assist you in implementing sustainable lifestyle modifications and habit changes. Whether it’s optimizing nutrition, incorporating exercise, enhancing sleep quality, managing stress, or improving self-care practices, I provide guidance, practical strategies, and resources to help you make lasting changes. Together, we explore obstacles, develop strategies to overcome them and celebrate your successes along the way.

Motivation and Mindset Shift

Beyond the physical aspects of health, I recognize the importance of addressing mindset and motivation. I work with you to cultivate a positive mindset, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop resilience in the face of challenges. By fostering a supportive and empowering environment, I help you cultivate the motivation and mindset necessary to sustain healthy habits and navigate the ups and downs of your health journey.